Rural Parliament postponed to 2021

Rural Parliament 2020-event will be postponed by a year due to the unpredictability of the Corona-pandemic and its broad implications for the organizing a large event. The event was meant to be held October 1-3 in Kurikka, Southern Ostrobothnia.
- Rural Parliament will come a year later, as an even greater and polished event. The planning made now will not go to waste, says Christell Åström, the Rural Policy Council's head secretary from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The location of the Rural Parliament 2021 will still be the Kurikka campus. New dates for the autumn 2021 will be confirmed later.
The Rural Parliament is a national event that is held for all those interested in development of rural areas and all of Finland. It is the largest rural policy event in Finland. The main organizers of Rural Parliament are the Rural Policy Council, rural network services, Suomen Kylät ry and The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK). It is organized together with local, regional and national actors. In 2021 organization will happen with the city of Kurikka and Leader-Suupohja.
The Rural Parliament was held for the first time in 2017 in Leppävirta. The location of the next Rural Parliament was determined in a competition where Kurikka won only slightly against the city of Nurmes. The third Rural Parliament will be held in Nurmes in 2023
More information:
Christell Åströn, ministerial advider, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel: 0295 16 2030,
Antonia Husberg, rural chief inspector, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,tel: 0295 16 2033,